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25 Jan, 2023.4 min read


Website updates with spreadsheets

"Work smart, not hard"

We create website designs that can easily be edited live from your Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel Online. Our design pulls the information live on your website when the user loads the page, generating the menu or product list into the required design. This ensures that your website is always up to date and displaying the latest information.

Do More in less time

"No more paying a website design company every time you have a menu or product change"

With our innovative website design tools and services, you can make changes to your website without the need for a website design company. Our easy-to-use tools allow you to create a website that is tailored to your specific needs, quickly and easily. Whether you need to make a menu change, add a new product, our tools make it simple to do. So, you can save time, money, and effort!

How do we do this?

Spreadsheets are an incredibly powerful and efficient tool for managing website content. They allow you to quickly and easily organise large amounts of data, and they can be used to create dynamic, up-to-date content for your website. Using spreadsheets to manage website content allows you to easily make bulk changes, keep track of changes over time, and quickly see the results of your updates. This makes it much easier to keep your website updated and relevant.